All students living on campus are required to buy a meal plan from the residential plan options and the cost is included in your room/board.

Your meal plan will auto renew for the J-Term and Spring Semester as long as your residential student status stays the same.

Residential Freshmen and Sophomores are required to purchase the VIP All Access Plan and Juniors and Seniors that live on campus in Andreas, Hazel Houses or Lower Campus are required to purchase a minimum of the Mustang Plan.
  • VIP All Access
    • Unlimited Access to the Dining Hall
    • $100 Declining Balance
    • Per Semester
    • 5 Guest Passess
  • Mustang
    • 7 Meals per week
    • $125 Declining Balance
    • Per Semester
    • 3 Guest Passes

Need help with your meal plan?

Contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!